July 30 - August 3, 2018

What is KITE?
KITE (Kaleidoscope Institute for Thinking Excellence) is a one-week
full-day advanced program for the high ability learner at Pike School
for Grades Pre-K - 7.
From KITE kids:
- "I learned how to organize things in my head and make good
- "This past KITE program was just perfect."
From KITE parents:
- "My son attended this program for the first time and loved it. He
is excited for next year and can’t wait to go again. I love seeing
children of like minds and like motivation work together. This was a
great experience for him and I’m hoping to send my daughter as well
next summer."
- "When I picked up the boys today, I asked my (4th grade) son if
this program is different from others. 'Yes,' he replied, 'all the
people are creative thinkers. Everyone has unique ideas!'"
- "Thank you for honoring and supporting the artist in every child. This was such a wonderful week…as my daughter said…'one of the best weeks ever'."
- "My son came home every day happy and proud to share the wonderful things he learned."
- "My daughter was placed in a group with children one year above her (after thoughtful discussion with the director) and told me she was 'where she belonged'. I appreciate the thought and consideration taken on behalf of the children."
- "My son told me he loved that he was allowed to be creative while he learned. He told me that in his last school year he was never allowed to do anything except what was assigned to the entire class. He loved KITE!"
- "Thank you for providing not only an environment for our children to learn and grow, but also an environment in which parents are welcome, supported and understood."
- "I have recommended the program and will continue to do so. The teaching staff is outstanding."
- "It was a fantastic week. Please keep doing what you are doing for these amazing students."
- "Thank you so much for the pre-camp survey. My daughter was so excited to start a new camp knowing that the camp cared enough to ask about her interests and likes."
- "As soon as (our daughter) got into the car on Friday, she asked,
'Can I go back next year?' She learned a lot, and it was fun for her to meet other students who
were interested in learning. She also made quite a few friends."
Note received January 28, 2011 from a former KITE parent:
- "Many years ago my daughter attended your program. I truly
believe that it was one of the best programs she has
attended in her life. I still remember her enthusiasm about
the program. It carried over to all aspects of her life.
(She) is now a sophomore at (college) where she is thinking
and creating 24/7. She is majoring in film and animation. I
attribute her experiences at KITE to leading her in this
wonderful direction. Thank you!"
Who Should Go to KITE?
If your child grasps new concepts quickly and deeply, asks
questions that show depth of understanding, often adds that
“something extra” to a project, seems motivated to explore new
ideas, spends time waiting for others to “catch up”... then we
highly recommend that you try the KITE program this summer.
Please feel free to call us at (978) 475-6232 any time to
discuss your child and to determine whether the KITE program
would be a good match.

2018 KITE theme “Rollercoasters and Carousels: Full STEAM
Activate your mind and keep your body in motion this summer. Join our KITE kids as they enjoy
learning about motion, commotion, locomotion and emotion. This can include:
- Newton’s Laws of Motion in all aspects of our lives, including sports
- Many exciting outdoor adventures
- Explorations in physics and other fields of science
- Use of technology to research topics of interest
- Special Interest classes based on results of interest surveys (STEAM options including science,
technology, engineering, arts, math, and more)
Our theme merely provides a springboard for many challenging and thought-provoking activities.
During the week, our skilled teachers will provide instruction on a variety of topics, pose open-ended
questions and function primarily as a “guide on the side” rather than assume the more traditional
teacher’s role of “sage on the stage.” Projects are “hands-on” and interest-based. Group names will
include: Rollercoasters, Carousels, Bumper Cars, Tilt-a-Whirls, and more.
To view pictures from previous KITE sessions, click

- Emphasis on higher order creative and critical thinking,
as well as problem-solving skills
- Use of the nationally validated Talents Unlimited
thinking skills model, including productive thinking,
communication, forecasting, decision-making and planning
- Chance to meet and work with other outstanding students,
share interests and abilities, and make new friends
- Individual and small group independent investigations
- In-depth study of high-interest topics
- Above average academic skills
- Independent learning skills
- High degree of motivation
- Teacher survey (sent upon registration)
- Student interest questionnaire (sent in the spring, also online)

9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Daily
$415 per child + $30 non-refundable Registration Fee.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds are given (less $100 cancellation
fee) if student withdraws prior to
JUNE 1, 2018. No refunds available beyond that date.
Extended Day
Early Bird (7:45 - 9:00 AM): $50 per week
Early Care (8:00 - 9:00 AM): $40 per week ($10 per day)
Extended Day (2:30 - 5:00 PM): $120 per week ($25 per day)
Late Care (5:00 - 6:00 PM): $75 per week
The registration form can be found
Please indicate grade level completed as of June 1, 2018. Teacher and student interest surveys will be mailed upon
receipt of registration form and tuition. Children will receive
several letters prior to the start of the program.
Class Size
Each class has 12 students.

Coordinator: Janis Baron
Director: Ethel Coltin
Highly qualified certified teachers with training in gifted education
and /or higher order thinking skills.

For KITE information, please call (978) 474-6232 anytime.