To Think or Not to Think: It's All in the Question
A practical, exciting and “hands-on” workshop for teachers
that includes the following topics and more:
- Bloom’s Higher Levels of Thinking (Analyzing, Evaluating,
- The “Six Hats Model” of Edward DeBono (development of
lateral thinking)
- The metacognitive Talents Unlimited thinking skills model
(emphasizing and integrating the skills of productive thinking,
communication, cause-effect thinking, decision-making and
planning into the curriculum at all grade levels)
- Learning modalities and styles and their application to
differentiated lessons (Multiple Intelligences, Gregorac Learning
Styles, and others)
- The use of motivation theories and contracts to encourage
independent learning
- Creative thinking strategies that enable students to “think
outside the box”
- A substantial toolkit of strategies and activities designed to raise
the level of student engagement