Creative learning for children ages 3-13
July 1 - 26, 2019

KITE Evaluation Survey

We are a "first-time" KITE family    We are a returning family

Please rate the following on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score.

Safety, supervision
Responsiveness to needs, questions
Quality of overall program
Staff expertise
Friendliness and helpfulness of aide staff (teenage helpers)
Children’s enthusiasm and eagerness to attend
Website (

Individual Group(s):

Group Name 
Group Name 

Special Interest Group(s):

Group Name
Group Name

Suggestions for future KITE themes:

Other comments, suggestions, questions:

Choose one:

I would most likely return to KITE next summer I am not sure if I would return

Choose one:

I would recommend this program to others  I would not recommend this program to others

Thank you for your time!